Justify Home Depot’s decision on utilitarian principles ie greatest good for greatest number.

In the wake of Hurricane Andrew in 1992, individual price-gougers were selling building materials at wildly inflated prices, but not Home Depot. Following the hurricane, the store continued to sell plywood at pre-hurricane prices. Even when plywood wholesale prices increased by 28 percent, Home Depot announced that it would sell plywood, roofing materials, and plastic sheeting at cost and take no profit. Home Depot negotiated with its suppliers to reduce prices to pre-hurricane levels in order to enable the store to maintain its retail prices.


  1. Justify Home Depot’s decision on utilitarian principles ie greatest good for greatest number.
  2. Justify Home Depot’s decision on  rights morality – inherent rights that must be respected.
  3. Justify Home Depot’s decision on  virtue ethics
  4. Justify Home Depot’s decision on  Kantian ethics.


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