How could you educate your clients on their responsibility as individual taxpayers?

This module focuses on legal and ethical considerations of individual taxpayers and tax professionals, outlining various responsibilities of each and the interest or penalties that can be enforced for failure to follow certain guidelines. In the field of accounting, consider the level of responsibility set for a tax professional. This discussion will help you prepare for Final Project Three, specifically critical element III, Explain the legal and ethical implications in relation to improper or erroneous tax filings.

In your initial post:

  • Provide one specific example of guidance that should be considered by a tax professional and enforced in a tax practice. Remember to consider the responsibility of the individual taxpayer as well.
  • Describe one penalty, standard, or ethical concern that an individual taxpayer or a tax professional should be aware of that you did not know previously. Remember to provide an example.

In responding to your peers, choose a peer who selected a different penalty, standard, or ethical concern than the one you selected to discuss in your original post. As a tax professional, how can you ensure that you are aware of this penalty, standard, or ethical concern, and how could you get more information or guidance if faced with this situation? How could you educate your clients on their responsibility as individual taxpayers?


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