Explain what type of performance evaluation system you would use to evaluate factory workers.

Comparative systems and absolute systems are two types of systems that can be used to evaluate employee performance and competencies. As discussed in Chapter 5, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with these systems.As the newly hired HR Director for a large manufacturing organization, which makes parts for cell phones, you have been informed that the current performance evaluation system that is utilized is almost nonexistent. In fact, it has been almost three years since employees have been assessed. You have been asked by upper level management to do the following:Explain what type of performance evaluation system you would use to evaluate factory workers. Justify why you believe this is the right system to use.Based upon the selected system, what assessment method would you utilize? Justify why you believe that this is a quality assessment method.Explain how the selected system and method are aligned with or different than performance management practices in the manufacturing industry.The post Explain what type of performance evaluation system you would use to evaluate factory workers. Justify why you believe this is the right system to use.


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