Sponsorship packages to businesses

Corporate sponsorships are important to non-profits. Without the financial assistance provided, many non-profits would not exist. Look up two organizations from the following list of non-profits.

Who are their corporate sponsors?

What benefits do the profit-seeking companies receive from these sponsorships?

a. War On Want (www.waronwant.org)

b. Red Crescent (redcrescent.org)

c. Lepra (www.lepra.org.uk)

d. World Wildlife Fund (www.wwf.org.uk)

e. Forest Stewardship Council (www.fsc-uk.org/en-uk)

f. Save the Children (www.savethechildren.org)

g. Water Aid (www.wateraid.org)

Break Bulk Events offers a wide range of sponsorship packages to businesses in the specialized field of shipping. Assume that you are working for a client. Explain the key advantages and costs of the following sponsorship packages:

a. Breakbulk Studios

b. Education Day

c. Conference Suite


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